If needed, your slides can be exported to PDF as well. The app also offers the option to change the aspect ratio of your presentation depending on what projector is connected. It offers various alignment options for your content as well as an option to add speaker notes to your slides. Your slides can contain text, images, GIFs or even code, including syntax highlighting. Deckset takes the effort out of building great looking presentations.ĭeckset ships with 7 themes that you can use for your presentations. That’s right, Deckset creates presentations from Markdown text - you type the content of your slides in Markdown and it’ll ready a lovely presentation for you. Primarily, Deckset is a tool that lets you create beautiful presentations using any text editor.
Deckset is a fantastic new Mac app out on the App Store that aims to offer a much easier way of putting together a great presentation. I recently helped a friend with his talk at WordCamp Mumbai and got a taste of what it’s actually like. Not only are they boring to sit through while watching the speaker read off the slides, they are also incredibly boring to actually create. The cost for Deckset 2 is $29 (with educational discounts available).Here is a link to the Deckset manual.In Mac Deckset - Beautiful Presentations Powered by Markdown I estimate the presentation took about 1/4 the amount of time to develop versus Keynote. If you plan to use Ulysses, check out these helpful tips).I recently used Deckset to develop a new 30 minute presentation. (You can use any text editor with Deckset. Deckset works seamlessly with Ulysses, allowing me to quickly edit my presentations on my phone, my tablet, or my Mac. Because Deckset uses Markdown, I find myself concentrating less on making my slides look attractive and more on content. As this review of Deckset 1 in Macworld says: “It’s designed for the average person who needs to make beautiful slides without the muss and fuss of Keynote or PowerPoint.” With the release of Deckset 2 and its outstanding features, the application has become my go-to application for rapid preparation of presentations. Deckset is an amazing application for iOS that converts Markdown files into presentations.
It’s easy to get lost in software features-spending hours tweaking backgrounds, transitions, and text placement.Which brings me to Deckset. Many presenters rely too heavily on the glitz offered by the software at the expense of content. The reality is that presentations are deeply ingrained in business and academia.

Some influential thinkers, such as Edward Tufte, argue bulleted presentations shouldn’t be used at all. Speeding up the development of a presentation is the focus of this entry.Presentations are used throughout business and academia to transmit ideas. I still love Plaintext / Markdown.There is another requirement of my job that relies just as heavily on bloated software-presentations. I still dislike bloated software packages that get in the way of my final goal. Although technology has changed, some things have not. Now I use Scrivener for all my long-form writing. In 2012, there was no iOS version of Scrivener. Now I use Ulysses for almost all my short-form writing. At the time I wrote the entry there was no Ulysses.

The entry was about avoiding the distraction of Microsoft Word and Apple Pages while writing. My workflows have changed since I wrote my entry: “ Why I Use Plaintext” in June 2012.